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Public·44 Earth Angels

Saint Francis of Assisi

The most gentle saint who saw life in everything, including cucarachas 👀

Francis is sweet, gentle, and full of love. He was so full of devotion and innocence that even his words were paintings.

Although coming into a life of faith after Jesus's death, it is said that God so loved Frnacis that he too like Elijah and Enoch was transformed into the angel Rahmiel when he entered heaven. It is said he can be called on to ward against "ojo" or "the evil eye."

He can be listed under angels of love alongside Hanael. If you are having difficulty in finding joy and love in your life, call in Rahmiel the angel to bring you awareness of just how blessed and loved you truly are. ❤️

Dawn Angel
Dawn Angel
May 01, 2023

Rahmiel I need some assistance 😌

I know that many of you are familiar with the chapter of Job within the bible. But if you haven't, it's a chapter about a devoted follower of God who always kept his commandments and yet got put to the test of just how strong his faith was. This is one of the first introductions of the name "Satan." Now, many confuse this for the devil or for Lucifer. The name Satan in actuality means "to doubt." What God was doing was testing Jobs faith by allowing doubt within his life. We see this taking place in our lives every single day. Even Thomas, a Disciple of Jesus doubted. Now, all of us are Thomas's, yet even through Jobs sufferings, and even through Thomas's doubting, they remained in the heart of God. My point being is this. Talk back to Satan. Talk BACK to your doubt! You ARE allowed to…

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